Discover the wild boar terrine
What could be better than to make you salivate a little with this fall grayness When we develop a new succulent product, we first have in mind: is it appetizing Can we marry the maple with this product The answer to these two questions is of course, YES!UI!
We wanted to develop a product just as delicious as our trio of maple products, but with a more pronounced and marked taste for maple. So we did our homework and used products from wonderful producers just like us.
- Wild boar farm
- Bonneau breeding
- Nutra Fruit
From that moment on, our new terrine was born: pulled wild boar, cranberries, pork and maple!!
As soon as the cranberry harvest is over, the wild boar terrine is hanging on our lips!
Fortunately, we can taste it year round on almost any occasion. And to continue in our mission, our product is another 100 local pride! You will not be embarrassed to arrive with your terrine in hand and to taste it, we promise!mis!